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Information and Data Policy.

Oxygen Models are committed to protecting personal data. This privacy policy gives information on when and why Oxygen Models collects your data, how the agency uses it and how we keep it secure. Please read this and any applicable Terms & Conditions to understand our practices regarding personal data. 

Purposes: For the purpose Data Protection, we are the data controller of any personal data we receive. We ensure our systems, team and partnership working processes follow with Data Protection guidance in relation personal data that is processed.

Data Breaches are serious and the Information Commissioner’s Office is informed if any breach of our systems takes place. 

The processing and use of personal data is in accordance with set systems.

The use, processing and disclosure of data: Oxygen Model Management process personal data as part of several systems such as applications or when a person joins as a model. We also collect limited personal data from other third parties in connection to our relationship with people we represent. 


Transfer of Data: Data may be occasionally be transferred to other agencies in a professional capacity when conducting work i.e. the management and support of models. We also work with other business they may have temporary access to the personal data we process. For example, a model database company may personal data when managing software. When contracting with suppliers and/or transferring personal data to a different jurisdiction, we take appropriate steps to ensure that there is our policies are maintained. 


Data Rights: Personal data is processed in accordance with individual rights:

including requesting a copy of said data, correcting incorrect information, deleting data when it is no longer necessary to process. 

The Data Protection Act gives people the right to access information held about them. 

Security: Oxygen secure personal data to stop unauthorised disclosure or loss. This includes using systems that have security and cyber protection.

Cookies: The Oxygen website uses limited cookies to recognise different users. Cookies help website owners improve the experience and develop and improve websites. 

Further Information:

Agencies: model and/or talent agencies in jurisdictions outside of the UK who contact us to provide modelling and/or talent representation on their behalf in and outside of the UK 

Clients: business, persons or organisations seeking the services of our Models/Actors. 

Data Protection Policy: Oxygen Models data protection guidance including data security not limited to technical measures, i.e., encryption, limited access restricted, monitoring and testing systems for unauthorised access, secure backups and adherence to individual responsibilities when processing data securely. 

Team: all people providing services to or for and including, but not limited to employees, directors, members or subcontractors.

Personal data: individual information by which people can be identified. 

Personal Data Breach: a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful processing or deletion or data transmitted. A personal data breach may mean unauthorised access to personal data from an outside source or accidental breach e.g. accidental deletion of records. 

Key Aims: The main principles underlying the Data Protection Act, specify personal data should be: processed lawfully, fairly and openly; only collected for specified/lawful reasons professionally limited necessary business use. ; accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; kept for no longer than is necessary; processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. Additionally, organisations must adhere to the principal of accountability. 

Process: the ‘processing’ of personal data relation such as gathering, storing, or deleting of data.

Processor: Team member who is processing or accessing Oxygen systems.

Purpose: How Oxygen Model Management collect, use and process personal data. 

Models and/or other Actors working with for or represented by Oxygen Model Management.

Terms and Conditions: the Terms and Conditions for Booking Talent, and website terms of use.

Third party: individuals, organisations or other companies other than the data subject/team member authorised to process personal data as part of a business relationship or service.

A copy of Oxygen Model Management Data Processing Policy can be obtained in writing  via our address. Please make all written requests out to the Data Information Officer. 

More information can be found on the ‘Data Protection Act 2018’ by visiting the ‘’ government website. 

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